What to look for in a Flare Deck CVI
When access is made to inspect a flare tip this is an ideal opportunity to visually inspect the tower, flare deck, flare risers and utility lines etc.
- Removable handrails fare better, these can be stored at the rear of the flare deck or on the platform below
- Take many photographs – more than you think you need
- Take an observant, slow climb to the flare deck
Whilst climbing the Tower or boom the risers should be watched for overall corrosion, and the condition of the riser guides visibly checked
Utility lines should be seen to be secure and without severe corrosion, or low points on the flame front lines
Hints and Tips:
Argo all ways recommends stainless steel utility lines are used from the base of the flare structure
Lost or missing 1” and 1 ½” inch U-bolts is a common problem
Watch the low points of flame front lines-these could snuff the flame front
The underside of flare deck should be inspected, watching for any visible heat staining or corrosion. Defamation of members and cracking is a sign of excessive heat.
Flare deck covering should be flat and even and well attached to the substructure. Carbon steel covering may be badly corroded. Stainless steel deck covering is recommended.
Above the flare deck
Carbon steel risers above the flare deck can suffer serious corrosion as well as penetrations
Argo recommend that all flanges are stainless steel above the flare deck
Circumferential welds can become badly cracked – photograph a cracked LP header in their
Any riser supports above flare deck should be given a once over
Handrails: without having to say this never trust a handrails on the flare deck