Argo Flares Crisis Management Services
What would you do if your shift started with this on your plate? Phone calls to the flare OEM do not get a response or the response is either too slow or not in the direction that will expediently resolve your flare crisis. You may just want an unbiased second opinion?
Who would you turn to? Argo Flare Services, “The Flare Industry’s Emergency Service”
Typical crisis problems may include:
- Potential dropped objects
- Split flare body
- Excessive flare tip buckling
- Failed flare ignition
- Failed flare pilots
- Flare tip oil carry-over
- Jammed mechanisms
- Flare tip flange leakage
- Flare tip corrosion
- Flame instability
there are no problems, only solutions
What we would require
- An understanding of what your requirements are eg to keep using the flare, possible flare shutdown dates or start up date
- A quick and full understanding of the crisis usually via telephone, and emailed inspection reports, digital photographs, marked up drawings etc… if available
- An understanding of what limitations and restrictions surround the crisis
What you would get
- 24/7 contact details
- Full commitment from the whole Argo team
- Full mechanical/process and project engineering support until your crisis is under control
- Access to our experience and our network support, including if required site services, metallurgy, welding support
- We will work with your engineers to solve your flare predicament in a way that will minimise down time.
- We have direct access to specialist flare-tip change-out contractors including those specialising in helicopter lifts.
For your initial support contact either
Paul Sharman
+44 (0) 7713 160105
Ray Seale
+44 (0) 7764 951994
Or go direct to our contacts page and use any of the other mobile or landline numbers.